2020 international conference on advanced materials and intelligent manufacturing & advanced steel for automotive seminar(ICAMIM2020) will be held in Guilin,China during August 21-23, 2020.For further information of the hotel, please find below.
Ⅰ. Information:
Guilin Park Hotel
Hotel Website:
Address: No.1 Luosishan Road, Guilin, 541001, Guangxi, China
>> Standard single room: RMB 290/ night (about USD 42/ night).
(One bed, Internet and two breakfast included)
>> Standard double room: RMB 270/ night (about USD 42/ night).
(Two beds, Internet and two breakfast included)
Ⅱ. Room Booking:
You can make a reservation by calling the front desk +86 18290011631 before Aug. 16th, please tell that you are a guest of "AEIC Guilin academic conference (ICAMIM2020)", and then can enjoy the agreed price.
Ⅲ. Direction:
* Guilin Liangjiang International Airportt :30.2km ; 47mins
* Guilin Railway Station: 3.4km ; 9mins
* Guilin North Railway Station: 6.4km ; 16mins
Ⅳ. Tips:
For non-Chinese Attendees, "Bring me to hotel" card is available. You can show it to the taxi drivers and they will take you to the hotel.
桂林桂湖饭店 谢谢!
地址:中国 桂林 叠彩区 螺蛳山路1号
The above Chinese word means:
Please bring me to Guilin Park Hotel, thank you!
Hotel address : No.1 Luosishan Road, Guilin, 541001, Guangxi, China